Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on.
Page 18
- anytoucd
- filter to convert a geomview data file into a data file in the so-called 'ucd' (Unstructured Cell Data) format
- ao-bitbang
- Low-level cc1111 interface diagnostic tool
- ao-cal-accel
- Calibrate AltOS flight computer accelerometers
- ao-cal-freq
- Calibrate AltOS flight computer frequency
- ao-dbg
- hex debugger for cc1111 processors
- ao-dump-up
- Dump flight log from MicroPeak flight computer
- ao-dumpflash
- Fetch flash memory contents from AltOS device
- ao-edit-telem
- Edit telemetry file, creating new telemetry stream
- ao-eeprom
- Analyze an eeprom log
- ao-ejection
- Compute rocket ejection charges
- ao-elftohex
- convert programs to IHX format
- ao-flash-lpc
- flash a program to an LPC11U14-based AltOS device using openocd
- ao-flash-samd21
- flash a program to an SAMD21-based AltOS device using openocd
- ao-flash-stm
- flash a program to an STM32-based AltOS device using st-flash
- ao-flash-stm32f0x
- flash a program to a STM32F0x-based AltOS device using openocd
- ao-list
- List connected AltOS devices
- ao-load
- flash a program to a AltOS device
- ao-makebin
- construct raw binary file or DFU image from collection of ELF files
- ao-rawload
- flash a program to a AltOS device
- ao-reset-lpc
- reset an LPC11U14-based AltOS device using openocd
- ao-send-telem
- Re-transmit stored telemetry file
- ao-sky-flash
- flash GPS firmware program to a SkyTraq GPS chip
- ao-telem
- Analyze a telemetry log
- ao-test-baro
- test AltOS flight computer barometric sensor
- ao-test-flash
- ao-test-igniter - test AltOS flight computer igniters
- ao-test-gps
- ao-test-baro - test AltOS tracker GPS receiver
- ao-test-igniter
- test AltOS flight computer igniters
- ao-test-pressure
- ao-test-baro - test AltOS motor testing pressure sensor
- ao-usbload
- flash a program to an ARM-based AltOS device
- ao-usbtrng
- dump random numbers from USBtrng
- aoeui
- a lightweight visual editor optimized for the Dvorak keyboard
- aoflagger
- AOFlagger - execute an RFI strategy on one or several observations
- aomdec
- manual page for aomdec 3.5.0
- aomenc
- manual page for aomenc 3.5.0
- aoqplot
- AOQplot - Plot statistics from AOFlagger
- aoquality
- AOQuality - Handle AOFlagger measurement set quality statistics
- aosd_cat
- displays text on the screen
- aoss
- Wrapper script to facilitate use of the ALSA OSS compatibility library
- apachetop
- display real-time web server statistics
- apack
- atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
- apbs
- Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver
- apertium-apy
- API server for machine translation and language analysis
- apertium-deshtml-alt
- HTML format processor for Apertium with alt-translation
- apertium-deshtml
- HTML format processor for Apertium
- apertium-deslatex
- LaTeX format processor for Apertium
- apertium-desmediawiki
- MediaWiki format processor for Apertium
- apertium-desodt
- OpenDocument Text format processor for Apertium
- apertium-despptx
- Office Open XML Presentation format processor for Apertium
- apertium-desrtf
- Rich Text Format processor for Apertium
- apertium-destxt
- TXT format processor for Apertium
- apertium-deswxml
- WXML format processor for Apertium
- apertium-desxlsx
- Office Open XML Workbook format processor for Apertium
- apertium-filter-ambiguity
- ambiguity class filter for Apertium
- apertium-gen-deformat
- C++ deformatter generator for Apertium
- apertium-gen-modes
- intermediate mode file generator for Apertium
- apertium-gen-reformat
- C++ reformatter generator for Apertium
- apertium-get
- apertium-get
- apertium-interchunk
- intermediate interchunk processor for Apertium
- apertium-multiple-translations
- multi-translation output program for Apertium
- apertium-postchunk
- intermediate transfer module tool for Apertium
- apertium-postlatex-raw
- LaTeX code generator for Apertium
- apertium-postlatex
- ASCII LaTeX code generator for Apertium
- apertium-prelatex
- LaTeX preprocessor for Apertium
- apertium-preprocess-transfer
- structural transfer preprocessor for Apertium
- apertium-pretransfer
- multiword modifier for Apertium
- apertium-rehtml
- HTML format processor for Apertium
- apertium-relatex
- LaTeX format processor for Apertium
- apertium-remediawiki
- MediaWiki format processor for Apertium
- apertium-reodt
- OpenDocument Text format processor for Apertium
- apertium-repptx
- Office Open XML Presentation format processor for Apertium
- apertium-rertf
- Rich Fext Format processor for Apertium
- apertium-retxt
- TXT format processor for Apertium
- apertium-rewxml
- WXML format processor for Apertium
- apertium-rexlsx
- Office Open XML Workbook format processor for Apertium
- apertium-tagger-apply-new-rules
- rule enforcer for Apertium
- apertium-tagger
- part-of-speech tagger and trainer for Apertium
- apertium-transfer
- language transfer program for Apertium
- apertium-unformat
- unformatted text extractor for Apertium
- apertium-utils-fixlatex
- LaTeX format fixer for Apertium
- apertium-validate-acx
- intermediate acx rule validator for Apertium
- apertium-validate-dictionary
- dictionary file validator for Apertium
- apertium-validate-interchunk
- intermediate structural interchunk rule validator for Apertium
- apertium-validate-modes
- intermediate modes XML validator for Apertium
- apertium-validate-postchunk
- intermediate postchunk rule validator for Apertium
- apertium-validate-tagger
- transition rule validator for Apertium
- apertium-validate-transfer
- structural transfer rule validator for Apertium
- apertium
- machine translation application platform
- apf
- easy iptables based firewall system
- apg
- generates several random passwords
- apgbfm
- APG Bloom filter management program
- apgdiff
- Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool
- api-sanity-checker
- an automatic generator of basic unit tests for a C/C++ library API
- apkinfo
- display information about an Android APK file
- apksigcopier
- copy/extract/patch android apk signatures & compare apks
- apksigner
- sign and verify Android APKs
- apktool
- tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
- apkverifier
- verify the signature on an Android APK
- aplay
- arecord, aplay - command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA soundcard driver
- aplaymidi
- play Standard MIDI Files
- apng2gif
- convert APNG animated images to GIF files