Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on.
Page 32
- blasr
- Map SMRT Sequences to a reference genome
- blast_top_hits
- reduces a blast or blat output file to the top hit for each query sequence only
- blastn_to_phandango
- create a plot file for visualisation in phandango
- blat2gff
- Converts BLAT output files to GFF formatted files
- blaze-add
- adds a blog post or a page to the BlazeBlogger repository
- blaze-config
- displays or sets BlazeBlogger configuration options
- blaze-edit
- edits a blog post or a page in the BlazeBlogger repository
- blaze-init
- creates or recovers a BlazeBlogger repository
- blaze-list
- lists blog posts or pages in the BlazeBlogger repository
- blaze-log
- displays the BlazeBlogger repository log
- blaze-make
- generates a blog from the BlazeBlogger repository
- blaze-remove
- removes a post or page from the BlazeBlogger repository
- blaze
- allows you to run BlazeBlogger utilities with a single command
- bleachbit
- Delete unnecessary files from the system
- bleak
- argparse-manpage
- blend
- MRtrix3 - diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography
- blender
- a full-featured 3D application
- bless
- graphical hexadecimal Gtk# editor
- blhc
- build log hardening check, checks build logs for missing hardening flags
- bliss
- compute automorphism groups and canonical labelings of graphs
- blitz
- Securely transfer files between two workstations through NAT/Firewall
- blixem
- display multiple alignments against a reference sequence
- blixemh
- display multiple alignments against a reference sequence
- blkcalc
- Converts between unallocated disk unit numbers and regular disk unit numbers
- blkcat
- Display the contents of file system data unit in a disk image
- blkls
- List or output file system data units
- blkparse
- produce formatted output of event streams of block devices
- blkrawverify
- verifies an output file produced by blkparse
- blkreplay
- block device testing and benchmarking tool
- blkstat
- Display details of a file system data unit (i.e. block or sector)
- blockMesh
- part of OpenFOAM (The Open Source CFD Toolbox)
- blockdiag3
- generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
- blockmean
- filter to block average (x,y,z) data by L2 norm
- blockmedian
- filter to block average (x,y,z) data by L1 norm
- blockmode
- filter to block average (x,y,z) data by mode estimation
- blogin
- clogin - Cisco login script
- blood-elf
- Get mescc with dwarfs
- bloom
- utility to work with Bloom filters
- Filters reads potentially sharing a kmer with a reference
- bls-standalone
- build log scanner, standalone version
- blst2tkns
- tokenize XML-formatted magicblast output
- bluealsa-aplay
- a simple bluealsa player
- bluefeather
- Bluefeather
- bluefish
- editor for experienced web designers and programmers
- blueman-adapters
- an utility to set adapter properties
- blueman-applet
- a tray applet for managing bluetooth
- blueman-manager
- bluetooth device manager
- blueman-sendto
- application for sending files to bluetooth devices
- blueman-services
- Configure local bluetooth services
- blueman-tray
- a status icon application for blueman
- bluemon-client
- Activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link quality
- bluemon-query
- Query the state of and send commands to bluemon(1)
- bluemon
- Activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link quality
- bluemoon
- Bluemoon configuration utility
- bluetooth-sendto
- GTK application for transferring files over Bluetooth
- bluetooth
- enable/disable internal bluetooth device
- bluetoothService
- command line binary for bluetoothService
- bluetoothctl
- bluetoothctl: - interactive bluetooth control tool
- blur_image
- Off-screen image blurring utility using OpenGL ES 3.0.
- bmake
- maintain program dependencies
- bmaptool
- create block map (bmap) for a file or copy a file using bmap
- bmd-setup
- Configuration utility for Blackmagic Design converters
- bmf
- efficient Bayesian mail filter
- bmfconv
- Database converter for bmf
- bmore
- browse through a binary file
- bmp
- bmp: - babel universal macro processor
- bmptopnm
- convert a BMP file into a PBM, PGM, or PNM image
- bmptoppm
- replaced by bmptopnm
- bmtoa
- bitmap, bmtoa, atobm - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
- bn_camera
- program to publish images from camera to MQTT
- bn_darknet
- program to analyse images from MQTT by darknet
- bn_dashboard
- program to display results from MQTT
- bn_data_collector
- program to collect data from MQTT
- bn_gmail
- program to send deep learning results from MQTT to gmail
- bn_telegram
- program to send deep learning results from MQTT to telegram
- bnbot
- text-based chat bot client
- bncdb
- pvpgn Constant DataBase (CDB) tool
- bnchat
- text-based chat client
- bnd
- Create and diagnose OSGi bundles
- bnep-tester
- Kernel BNEP test tool
- bnetd
- Unix daemon
- bnftp
- file transfer client
- bni2tga
- convert a icon file to a Targa file
- bnibuild
- build a icon file from a directory of Targa icon files
- bniextract
- extract a directory of Targa icon files from a icon file
- bnilist
- list contents of a icon file
- bno_plot
- generate interactive 3D plot of IO blocks and sizes
- bnpass
- bnetd password utility
- bnstat
- statisics client
- bntrackd
- bnproxy - bnetd tracking daemon
- boats
- a race scenario drawing tool
- bochs-bin
- bochs - Portable x86 Emulator
- bochs
- Portable x86 Emulator
- bogofilter-bdb
- bogofilter - fast Bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-sqlite
- bogofilter - fast Bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-tokyocabinet
- bogofilter - fast Bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter
- fast Bayesian spam filter
- bogolexer-bdb
- bogolexer - Utility program for separating email messages into tokens
- bogolexer-sqlite
- bogolexer - Utility program for separating email messages into tokens
- bogolexer-tokyocabinet
- bogolexer - Utility program for separating email messages into tokens